科幻類請往 科幻影集 >> 電影
Live-action films
1951-2004: Dragnet (crime drama)
→ 1987: Dragnet 警網
1955-1959: Sergeant Bilko (= The Phil Silvers Show, sitcom)
→ 1996: Sgt. Bilko 鬼頭天兵
1959-1963: The Untouchables (crime drama)
→ 1987: The Untouchables 鐵面無私
1961-1969: The Avengers (spy-fi)
→ 1998: The Avengers 復仇者
1962-1969: The Saint (spy thriller)
→ 1997: The Saint 神鬼至尊
1965-1968: I Spy (espionage)
→ 1994: I Spy Returns (TV)
2002: I Spy 金牌間諜
1965-1969: The Wild Wild West (science fiction Western)
→ 1999: Wild Wild West 飆風戰警
1965-1970: Get Smart (secret agent sitcom)
→ 1980: The Nude Bomb
1989: Get Smart, Again!
2008: Get Smart 特務行不行
1966-1973: Mission: Impossible 虎膽妙算
1988-1990: The New Mission: Impossible 新虎膽妙算
→ 1996: Mission: Impossible
2000: Mission: Impossible II
2006: Mission: Impossible III
1968-1973: The Mod Squad (police drama)
→ 1999: The Mod Squad 掃蕩三人組
1975-1976: S.W.A.T. (action, crime, drama)
→ 2003: S.W.A.T. 反恐特警組
1975-1978: The Sweeney (police drama)
→ 1977: Sweeney!
1978: Sweeney 2
2009: The Sweeney
1975-1979: Starsky and Hutch (police drama)
→ 2004: Starsky and Hutch 警網雙雄
1976-1981: Charlie's Angels 霹靂嬌娃
→ 2000: Charlie's Angels
2003: Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
1982: Police Squad! (crime comedy) 笑彈龍虎榜
→ 1988: The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!
1991: The Naked Gun 2?: The Smell of Fear
1994: Naked Gun 33?: The Final Insult
1982-1986: Knight Rider (the original 1980s television series) 霹靂遊俠
→ 1991: Knight Rider 2000 (sequel movie to the 1980s television series)
→ 1994: Knight Rider 2010 (made-for-television movie)
1997: Team Knight Rider (spin-off television series based on the 1980s series)
→ 2008: Knight Rider (made-for-television film pilot to the 2008 television series)
2008- : Knight Rider (a series following the 2008 film)
1983-1987: The A-Team 天龍特攻隊
→ 2010: The A-Team
1984-1990: Miami Vice (crime drama)
→ 2006: Miami Vice 邁阿密風雲
1986: The Singing Detective (musical, film noir)
→ 2003: The Singing Detective 奇探心魔
1990-1991: Twin Peaks (drama, mystery, suspense)
→ 1992: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me 雙峰:與火同行
2003- : Reno 911! (comedy)
→ 2007: Reno 911!: Miami 邁阿密瘋雲
Animated films
1983-1986: Inspector Gadget G型神探
→ 1999: Inspector Gadget
2003: Inspector Gadget 2
1988-1994: Patlabor (manga based) 機動警察
→ 1989: Patlabor: The Movie
1993: Patlabor: The Movie 2
2001: WXIII: Patlabor the Movie 3
1998-2005: The Powerpuff Girls 飛天小女警
→ 2002: The Powerpuff Girls Movie
2002-2007: Kim Possible 麻辣女孩
→ 2003: Kim Possible Movie: A Sitch in Time
2005: Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama 麻辣女孩電影版:超級任務
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