The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II is a Real-time strategy computer game and sequel to The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth. Unlike its predecessor, the game is set mainly in the northern regions of Middle-earth. Known factions include the Elves, Dwarves, Men of the West (Gondor and Rohan combined) and the Goblins, along with large additions to the other evil factions. The gameplay will include naval battles, larger battalions, and more traditional base building, unlike the original. The game has a stated release date of March 2, 2006. The game is currently in the beta stage of software development.
Story setting
The Battle for Middle-earth II (BFME II) takes place in the Northern section of Middle-earth. For the Good campaign, the story starts with the Fellowship of the Ring's journey south from Rivendell. For the Evil campaign, it begins with the siege of Dol Guldur. According to the developers, the single player game will consist of more varied objectives with long-term consquences than the "search and destroy" scenarios which dominated the first game. Additionally, the method of building bases on predetermined plots has been replaced with the traditional real-time strategy building style which features a fort operating as a base hub. There will also be some missions or portions of missions inside buildings in the single-player campaign.
Upcoming Game features
Since the game currently is in its beta stage, information below may change before its release; however, the following is likely a feature-complete sampling of the final game:
.BFME II will differ remarkably from BFME in resouce accumulation
.The player will be able to build section of walls which expand in non-linear direction and attach the wall, to impassable terrain, like mountains.
.The player will be able to customize his or her own hero from scratch.
.Naval battles will be possible
.There will be six distinct factions: Men of the West, Elves, Dwarves, Mordor, Isengard and Goblins.
.New powers such as the "Watcher in the Water", "Flood" and "Tom Bombadil"
.Goblins and Umbar pirates can climb walls
.Defensive upgrades such as boiling oil, flaming arrows, trebuchets and catapults including unique bonus-giving monuments
.Argonath as the menu map
.Missions covering the whole of Middle-earth
.Special effects like spreading fire and light reflection
.Ability to flank the enemy to receive attack advantage
Game locations
Mithlond (Grey Havens)
Lonely Mountain (Erebor)
Dol Guldur (Sauron's main base)
Caradhras (Redhorn Pass)
Snow Falls
Fornost Erain
Bag End (Hobbiton)
Paths of the Dead
Blue Mountains north of Grey Havens
Good campaign levels
Mission 1 Rivendell
the fellowship sets out to destroy the one ring. Meanwhile, Elrond,Glorfindel and Gloin plan the war in the North. But it is attacked by a Goblin army from the Misty mountains. You must rally the Elves and defend Rivendell.
Mission 2 High pass
Elrond sends Glorfindel and Gloin to unite the Elves and the Dwarves against Sauron and to take on the Goblin hordes, by retaking the High pass road.
Mission 3 Ettenmoors
The war of the North has begun in earnest and you are pitted against Trolls, Mountain Giants, Goblins and their new ruler Gorkil who is being controlled by Sauron. The level is set in the Ettenmoors and the ruins of the Witch-king's previous fortress Carn Dum.
Mission 4 Blue Mountains
You have a chance to gain favour with the Blue Mountain Dwarves and to impede Sauron. All you have to do is fight your way through a Goblin infested cave in the mountains and kill the Dragon that lurks there.
Mission 5 Grey Havens
Your next mission is to defend the Elven port of Grey Havens from the Mordor Corsairs of Umbar.
Mission 6 Celduin River
Sauron has deployed a huge army from Dol Guldur to conquer the surrounding Elven and Dwarven lands. One of the targets is the Human settlement, Esgaroth on the banks of the river Celduin. They are allies of the Erebor Dwarves and the Dwarves must help them defend their town.
Mission 7 Dale and Erebor
The army of Dol Guldur lays siege to the ruined city of Dale and the Dwarven Mountain fortress of Erebor. This is a critical battle in the war of the North.
Mission 8 Dol Guldur
The combined Elf and Dwarf lay siege to Dol Guldur. If it falls, then the war in the North will end.
Evil campaign levels
Mission 1 Lorien
Sauron's armies assault the Elven city of Lothlorien, burn the forest to the ground and claim this Haven for Sauron.
Mission 2 Grey Havens
The Goblins and the Corsairs assault the port of Grey Havens. If they succeed then Sauron will be able to pour troops into the North West of Middle Earth and open up a new front in the war of the rings.
Mission 3 The Shire
The forces of Mordor decide to burn the Shire and conquer the Hobbits.
Mission 4 Fornost
The Dwarves and Dunedain make a stand at the ruined city of Fornost, the Goblin army return from the Shire and lay siege to the fortifications.
Mission 5 Mirkwood
Dol Guldur deploys a huge army to crush the Elves of Mirkwood and their Ent allies, who stage a fighting retreat but are overwhelmed.
Mission 6 Withered Heath
Before assaulting Erebor, Sauron's armies move Northeast to destroy a Dwarven outpost and recruit the Native dragons as their allies.
Mission 7 Erebor
In this crucial battle, you command a vast army and lay siege to the ruined city of Dale and the Dwarves Mountain fortress of Erebor.
Mission 8 Rivendell
The final battle of the Evil campaign takes place at Rivendell. You command a huge army but the defenders will fight to the death to protect their homes.
New/Previous Units
The Fellowship
Men of the West
Dúnedain Rangers
King Dáin II Ironfoot
Haldir of Lórien
Nazgûl Riders
The Witch-king of Angmar
Corsairs of Umbar
The Mouth of Sauron
Gríma Wormtongue
Gorkil the Goblin King
Drogorth the Dragon King
Spider Rider (toggleable)
Goblin Archer
Mountain Giant
Cave bat
Fire Drake
Small spider
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